Ideally located nearby California's breathtaking redwood forests, this award-winning Eureka hotel provides the ultimate in comfort for area travelers.
Stay at the Best Western Plus Bayshore Inn and you'll be located in the heart of Humboldt County's best outdoor adventure and sights. Guests will find the famous Redwood Forest just 20 minutes south, the National Forest just 30 minutes north, sandy beaches within five minutes and historic Old Town just two miles down the road. This Eureka hotel is also located next door to Bayshore Mall and Historic Fort Humboldt. While in town, try to catch the Redwood Coast Jazz Festival, Eureka Crab Feed, Redwood Acres Fair and Historic Ferndale - all local favorite events!
After exploring the natural wonders and area attractions, relax in spacious accommodations at this top-rated Eureka Best Western. Each comfortable guest room comes complete with cable television with HBO®, a microwave, refrigerator and free WiFi Internet. Other amenities at this hotel in Eureka also include a complimentary full breakfast buffet each morning, freshly baked cookies upon arrival, an indoor/outdoor heated swimming pool and business center. Don't forget to try the Shamus T Bone Steak House!
Don't delay - make your Best Western Plus Bayshore Inn reservations today to take advantage of great rates and comfortable accommodations that cater to both business and leisure travelers alike.